Publication Date: 2/1/84
    Pages: 20
    Date Entered: 1/1/84
    Revision 1(*)
    February 1984
    Part 70, "Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material," of
    Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations requires licensees
    authorized to possess more than 1 kilogram of plutonium to calculate a
    material balance based on a measured physical inventory at intervals not
    to exceed 2 months. Further, these licensees are required to conduct
    their nuclear material physical inventories in compliance with specific
    requirements set forth in Part 70. Inventory procedures acceptable to
    the NRC staff are detailed in Regulatory Guide 5.13, "Conduct of Nuclear
    Material Physical Inventories."
    Plutonium residual holdup is defined as the plutonium inventory
    component remaining in and about process equipment and handling areas
    after these collection areas have been prepared for inventory. Whenever
    possible, process equipment should be designed(1) and operated so as to
    minimize the amount of holdup. In this guide, procedures acceptable to
    the NRC staff for the in situ assay of the plutonium residual holdup are
    Assay information may be used in one of two ways:
1. When the standard error (estimator) of plutonium holdup is
    compatible(2) with constraints on the overall standard error of the
    inventory difference (SEID), the material balance can be computed using
    the measured contents of plutonium holdup. Additional cleanout and
    recovery for accountability will then not be necessary.
2. When the standard error of plutonium holdup is not
    compatible with constraints on the overall SEID, the information
    obtained in the holdup survey can be used to locate principal plutonium
    accumulations and to ensure that other areas of the process contain less
    than the detectable amount of plutonium. Once located, substantial
    accumulations can be recovered, transforming the plutonium to a more
    accurately measurable inventory component. Having reduced the amount of
    plutonium holdup, the standard error on the remeasurement of the
    remaining holdup may be sufficiently reduced to be compatible with
    overall SEID requirements.
    (1) Design features to minimize holdup in process equipment are
    the subject of a series of regulatory guides (5.8, 5.25, and 5.42).
    (2) Compatibility exists when the contribution of the standard
    error of the holdup to the total plant SEID is not large enough to cause
    the overall SEID to exceed allowed limits. If the plant SEID exceeds
    allowed limits because of an excessive contribution from the holdup
    standard error, compatibility does not exist and the remedial steps of
    paragraph 2 need to be taken.
    Any guidance in this document related to information collection
    activities has been cleared under OMB Clearance No. 3150-0009.
    Plutonium accumulates in cracks, pores, and zones of poor
    circulation within process equipment. The walls of process vessels and
    associated plumbing often become coated with plutonium during solution
    processing. Surfaces internal and adjacent to process equipment,
    especially glovebox walls and floors, accumulate deposits of plutonium
    that can become appreciable. Plutonium also accumulates in air filters
    and associated ductwork. The absolute amounts of plutonium holdup must
    be small for efficient processing and proper hazards control. However,
    the total holdup can be large relative to the plant inventory difference
    (ID) but have no significant impact on the ID if it remains reasonably
    constant. It is the change in the holdup between beginning inventory
    and ending inventory that may impact the ID.
    The measurement procedures described in this guide involve the
    detection of gamma rays and neutrons that are spontaneously emitted by
    the plutonium isotopes. Because the gamma rays of interest are emitted
    by the major isotope, (239)Pu, gamma ray assay is the preferred method
    whenever its acceptance criteria are satisfied. The amount of (239)Pu
    holdup in a piece of equipment is proportional to the measured intensity
    of the emitted gamma rays after suitable corrections are made for
    attenuation by intervening materials, for self-attenuation by plutonium,
    for scattering, for geometrical factors, and for background radiation.
    (*) The substantial number of changes in this revision has made it
    impractical to indicate the changes with lines in the margin.
    If plutonium is held up in furnaces, grinders, or other heavy
    equipment that is too dense to permit the escape of gamma rays, an assay
    based on spontaneous fission neutrons from the even isotopes of
    plutonium may be possible. This technique requires knowledge of the
    isotopic composition of the plutonium, some knowledge of its chemical
    form, and knowledge of the presence of other radionuclide impurities.
    Thermoluninescent dosimetry is a third technique that can be used
    to measure holdup from the inside of large pieces of equipment. This
    technique is also useful for carrying out measurements in an unobtrusive
    manner outside normal plant operating hours.
    For all three techniques, the proportionally factors between
    amount of holdup and detector response are best determined prior to the
    holdup measurement by assays of known quantities of plutonium
    distributed in well-defined and representative geometries, as discussed
    Typical plutonium process facilities comprise a number of
    interconnected gloveboxes that contain work areas and most process
    equipment, in-process storage areas, and self-contained process
    equipment. Also, solution processing requires tanks, plumbing, and
    pumping equipment, which are often located in close proximity to the
    glovebox lines. Finally, storage areas for feed, scrap and waste, and
    final product are often located in close proximity to the plutonium
    process area.
    To accomplish the holdup measurements, it is essential to consider
    the facility in terms of a series of zones that can be independently
    assayed. Such zones are designated "collection zones." Each
    plutonium-processing facility can be conceptually divided into a series
    of contiguous collection zones on the basis of process activities and
    collection geometries. Individual machines, filters, pipes, tanks,
    gloveboxes, or surface areas that can be isolated from one another may
    be suitable discrete collection zones. Great care is needed to define
    all collection zones so that (1) the assay of the zone can be performed
    with a minimum of interference from nearby zones, (2) the detector can
    be positioned reproducibly and in such a way that the radiation being
    measured experiences a minimum, or easily predicted, attenuation in the
    apparatus being measured, and (3) the distribution of material in the
    zone can be represented by one of the distribution geometries used in
    the calibration procedure described below.
    Gamma ray assay for plutonium holdup is practical when the
    collection zone consists of a single structure of relatively uniform
    cross section. When a collection zone contains a complex item of
    equipment with significant self-shielding properties, the uncertainty in
    the holdup measurement may be primarily due to attenuation of radiation
    in the internal structure. In such cases, neutron assay from the
    outside and thermoluminescent dosimeter assay from the inside may be
    If delineation of collection zones is not possible, two
    alternatives are experiments with mockup geometries or complex numerical
    Two considerations are critical to the selection of methods and
    instruments. First, to perform an assay, one must ensure that the
    plutonium radiations reach the detector and are detected. Second, the
    observed response must be attributable to the collection zone being
    assayed. Therefore, the assay scheme is developed around penetrating
    radiations, and the detector is collimated to provide for sufficient
    directionality in the response to resolve a collection zone from its
    neighboring zones and from the background. Finally, some effort may be
    necessary to employ external "shadow shielding" to block radiation being
    produced in adjacent collection zones from the field of view of the
    collimated detector.
    2.1 Gamma Ray Assay
    Under closely controlled conditions, the measured plutonium gamma
    ray spectrum can be interpreted in terms of the abundance of each gamma
    ray emitter present in the sample. Because of the large number of gamma
    rays (Refs. 1 and 2) present, many regions of the observed spectrum are
    characterized by overlapping lines. To accomplish the assay, it is
    necessary to select an appropriate spectral region and provide a
    detection system with sufficient resolution to measure the activity from
    the isotopes of interest.
    Gamma ray assay has an advantage over neutron assay in that the
    emissions are primarily from the principal isotopes of interest.
    Because of the high emission rate of gamma rays, a detection sensitivity
    of less than 1 gram is generally attainable.
    The most useful portion of the spectrum for holdup assay is the
    (239)Pu gamma ray complex in the 375- to 450-keV range.(3) The yields
    of these lines are given in Table 1.
    (3) In typical NaI detectors (with energy resolution of 10 percent
    at 414 keV), the 414-keV photopeak will produce counts in the
    approximate energy range of 373 to 455 keV. Thus, an energy window from
    375 to 450 keV will include most of the 414-keV full-energy counts for a
    variety of detector resolutions. Further-more, such a window setting
    will include a significant fraction of the 375-keV (239)Pu gamma rays
    (see Table 1), but will also exclude most of the potentially interfering
    332-keV gamma rays from (241)Am or (241)Pu.
    (Due to database constraints, Table 1 is not included. Please contact
    LIS to obtain a copy.) 2.1.1 Gamma Ray Detection Instruments
    Gamma ray detection systems consist of a scintillation or
    semiconductor gamma ray detector and appropriate electronics (Refs. 3
    and 4). Required electronics include at least a single-channel analyzer
    and a timer-scaler unit. A second single-channel analyzer viewing the
    same detector pulses used to determine the background radiation
    correction is a timesaving feature. A number of portable
    battery-powered systems are commercially available for this application.
    The detection efficiency and resolution (10 to 15 percent) of
    NaI(T1) is generally adequate for holdup measurements. CdTe, Ge(Li), and
    high-purity germanium (also known as intrinsic germanium) detectors have
    better resolution than NaI(T1) but are more costly and more difficult to
    operate. For more information on Ge(Li) and intrinsic germanium
    detectors, see Regulatory Guide 5.9, "Guidelines for Germanium
    Spectroscopy Systems for Measurement of Special Nuclear Material," and
    the references cited therein.
    The 332.3-keV gamma ray from (237)U, a short-lived (6.75 days)
    daughter of (241)Pu, is usually the principal interference for (239)Pu
    assay by NaI detection of the 375- to 450-keV complex. If the (237)U is
    in equilibrium with (241)Pu, the intensity of this gamma ray is 1.15 x
    10(6) gamma/sec-g (241)Pu. Since this gamma ray is also emitted in the
    decay of (241)Am, the interference from this decay branch may also be
    important in case of preferential americium holdups. To avoid this
    interference when using NaI detectors, the assay energy window is
    adjusted to span the range from 390 to 450 keV for plutonium holdup with
    high americium content.
    Detector crystal dimensions are selected to provide a high
    probability of detecting gamma rays from the 375- to 450-keV complex and
    a low probability of detecting high-energy radiation. For NaI, a
    crystal diameter of 2 inches (5 cm) with a thickness of 2 inches is
    recommended. For germanium detectors, a moderate-volume coaxial detector
    is recommended.
    2.1.2Collimators and Absorbers for Gamma Rays
    A shaped shield constructed of any heavy-element material is
    appropriate for gamma ray collimation. For cost, availability, and ease
    of fabrication, lead is recommended. Less than 2 percent of all 400-keV
    gamma rays striking a 5-cm-thick sheet of lead will pass through without
    suffering an energy loss.
    The collimator will be most effective when it is concentric about
    the crystal and photomultiplier and completely covers the
    photomultiplier base. Extending the collimator forward of the crystal
    at least a distance equal to half the diameter of the crystal, and
    preferably the full diameter, is recommended (Ref. 5). Making this
    distance variable to reproducible settings will permit adjustment over a
    range of collection zone sizes. However, it is highly desirable to
    select collection zones and counting geometries so that one collimator
    setting will suffice for all measurements. This will simplify the
    calibration procedures because the calibration constants depend strongly
    on the dimensions and placement of the collimator aperture.
    The collimator not only defines the effective field of view but
    also shields the detector from unwanted radiation. To effectively
    accomplish this latter purpose, the collimator material must also cover
    the rear of the detector. This is usually easy to achieve with portable
    NaI detectors but requires more effort when germanium detectors are
    Intensive 50- to 100-keV X-ray radiation and 60-keV (241)Am gamma
    ray radiation are often emitted by process equipment, and this radiation
    can tie up the detector electronics unnecessarily. A 1.5-mm-thick layer
    of lead (on the outside) and a 0.75-mm-thick layer of cadmium (on the
    inside) may be placed against the front face of the detector to
    alleviate this problem. This graded energy shield will absorb most of
    the low-energy photons incident on the detector without substantially
    reducing the number of gamma rays detected in the 375- to 450-keV range.
    2.1.3Check Source for Gamma Ray Assay
    It is important to check the operation of the detection system
    each time the instrumentation is moved or otherwise disturbed (e.g.,
    power outage) during the course of each inventory sequence. Either
    recalibrating one or more collection zones and comparing the results to
    previous analyses or testing the instrument with a check source is
    appropriate. When the response remains within the expected value, the
    previous calibration data are assumed to be valid. If not, the energy
    window may have shifted, or the unit may be in need of repair and
    An appropriate check source enables the stability of the assay
    instrument to be tested at any location. Such a source can be prepared
    by implanting a small encapsulated plutonium sample (containing ~0.5
    gram of plutonium) in the face of a plug of shielding material. The
    plug is shaped to fit and close the collimator channel, and the source
    is positioned to be adjacent to the crystal when the plug is in place.
    The check source is fabricated in a manner that will ensure its
    internal stability. Other than radiations increasing from the ingrowth
    of (241)Am, the emission rate of the check source should remain
    2.2 Neutron Assay
    Neutrons are emitted in the spontaneous fission of (238)Pu,
    (240)Pu, and (242)Pu and through the interaction of emitted alpha
    particles with certain light nuclei. These neutrons suffer little
    attenuation in passing through uranium or plutonium or through most
    structural and containment materials. Glovebox windows may reduce the
    energy of emerging neutrons, but, because of their regular and constant
    shape, their effect can generally be factored into the assay
    To be useful for the assay of plutonium holdup, the neutron
    production rate per gram of plutonium must be known. The spontaneous
    fission contribution to the total neutron production can be computed
    from basic nuclear data after the isotopic composition of the contained
    plutonium has been determined. Computing the (Alpha,n) contribution
    requires a knowledge of the chemical form of the plutonium and the
    amount and distribution of certain high-(Alpha,n)-yield target
    The background count rate from neutron detectors may be a
    substantial part of the observed activity, often corresponding to as
    much as 20 grams of plutonium in typical holdup assays. Thus, neutron
    assay is primarily applicable to the measurement of significant
    accumulations of plutonium.
    The measured neutron yield from prepared calibration standards is
    used to calibrate each neutron assay collection zone. In the appendix
    to this guide, a method is given to calculate the anticipated neutron
    yield. This method provides the ability to calculate the neutron yield
    when the isotopic or impurity composition of the plutonium holdup is
    different from that of the calibration standards. The method can be
    used to calculate a ratio of the neutron production rate of the unknown
    material to the neutron production rate of the standard material. The
    yield from the holdup material is then determined by multiplying the
    measured "known" material yield by the computed ratio.
    2.2.1Neutron Detection Instruments
    To effectively employ the spontaneous neutron yield as a measure
    of plutonium holdup, it is necessary to detect the neutrons in the
    presence of a more intense gamma ray background and to collimate the
    detector so that neutrons emanating from the collection zone under assay
    are preferentially detected.
    Holdup assay is performed under in-plant conditions where
    ruggedness, portability, high neutron efficiency, and low gamma ray
    sensitivity in the detectors are important. Gas-filled proportional
    counters containing (3)He or BF(3) are suitable for this purpose.
    Typical fill pressures are 1 to 4 atmospheres. One advantage of (3)He
    for in-plant applications is that the operating voltage of (3)He
    counters is about 75 percent of that required for BF(3) counters.
    The efficiency of (3)He and BF(3) counters increases as the energy
    of the neutrons decreases. Embedding gas-filled counters in
    polyethylene to moderate the incoming neutrons to thermal or epithermal
    energies will improve their efficiency. A nearly optimum design can be
    obtained by centering the counters in 10 cm of polyethylene with 2 to 3
    cm of polyethylene between adjacent counters.
    To shield the detector from low-energy neutrons that may produce a
    complicated response pattern, the moderator material is covered with a
    thermal neutron absorber. Cadmium sheeting approximately 0.075 cm thick
    may be used for this application.
    2.2.2Collimators for Neutron Detectors
    To assay a specific collection zone in the presence of other distributed
    sources of plutonium, it is necessary to collimate the detector. This
    is accomplished by stopping neutrons coming to the detector from all
    directions except the desired one. The cadmium surrounding the detector
    will stop essentially all neutrons striking the detector with energies
    below 0.4 eV. By adding moderator material around the outside of the
    detector in all directions except for the collimator channel, neutrons
    coming from unwanted directions will lose energy in this shield and will
    be absorbed in the cadmium cover. For each 6 inches (15 cm) of
    polyethylene added, the collimator assembly provides a factor of
    approximately 10 in the directionality of the response.
    An example of a collimated neutron detector assembly for plutonium
    holdup assay is shown in Figure 1. This assembly has a polyethylene
    shield thickness of 6 inches (15 cm) and a directionality of 10 to 1.
    The combined weight of the detector and collimator exceeds the
    requirements for a hand-held probe. For this reason and to provide for
    reproducible positioning at each assay, a sturdy cart housing such a
    detector and its associated electronics is recommended. In order to
    assay items at different heights, the capability to raise and lower the
    assembly to reproducible settings is needed.
    An example of a small commercially available hand-held detector is
    given in References 5 and 6. This Shielded Neutron Assay Probe (SNAP)
    is 12 inches (30.5 cm) high and 10 inches (25.4 cm) in diameter and
    contains two (3)He detectors. It includes a 2-inch-thick (5 cm)
    polyethylene shield that provides a directionality of 3 to 1. The SNAP
    has been used to measure plutonium holdup, UO(2)F(2) holdup, and UF(6)
    enrichment. It is recommended for the assay of well-defined
    concentrations of plutonium in pumps, grinders, pipe elbows, or other
    items of equipment where portability and accessibility are more
    important than directionality.
    (Due to database constraints, Figures 1 and 2 are not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.) A third example of holdup measurement by neutron detection is
    given in Reference 7. In this case, a completely uncollimated
    polyethylene slab containing a row of (3)He detectors was suspended in
    midair in some of the processing rooms of an industrial plutonium
    facility. The response of the detector was found to be proportional to
    the total room holdup if the plutonium was reasonably uniformly
    distributed and if the room was isolated from external sources. The
    calibration procedure for the use of this detector will not be described
    here. However, it is recommended as a means for quickly verifying total
    room holdup when measurements of the holdup in individual items or
    equipment are not needed.
    2.2.3Check Source for Neutron Assay
    To ensure the proper operation of the neutron assay system prior
    to making an assay, it is necessary to test the response of the
    instrument. An appropriate neutron assay check source can be measured,
    or the detector response for one or more collection zones can be
    recalibrated and compared to the results of previous calibrations.
    An appropriate neutron assay check source can be prepared by
    implanting a small encapsulated plutonium source (containing about 5
    grams of plutonium) into the face of a plug of neutron moderating
    material (see Figure 2). The plug is fabricated to fit and close the
    collimator channel. When the response from the check source remains
    within the expected value, the previous calibration data are assumed to
    be valid.
    2.3 Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) Assay
    Crystals of LiF, CaF(2), CaSO(4), or other compounds can store
    energy at manganese or dysprosium impurity centers when they are struck
    by gamma or neutron radiation. At some later time, the crystals can be
    heated rapidly to several hundred degrees centigrade to induce
    thermoluminescence. The light output at this time is proportional to the
    amount of radiation received. Thermoluminescent detectors that are
    primarily gamma sensitive, graded X-ray shields, read-out
    instrumentation, and other accessories are commercially available.
    TLDs have been used to measure the holdup in gloveboxes by placing
    them at regular intervals on the outside surfaces. The TLDs are left in
    place overnight in order to accumulate a measurable dose. Accuracies of
    plus or minus 20 percent relative to cleanout values are reported for
    plutonium of known isotopic composition. TLDs have also been used to
    measure the holdup in the interior of large furnaces that are not
    accessible by other means. For both of these examples, calibration
    requires either careful dose and geometry calculations or mockups of the
    actual collection zone. Because their use is relatively new and only a
    few published references exist (Refs. 8 and 9), TLDs will not be
    discussed further in this guide. However, they could be useful for
    special applications.
    To ensure that each collection zone is independently assayed, it
    is necessary to shield the detector from all radiations except those
    radiations emanating from the collection zone being assayed. This is
    principally accomplished through the use of the collimators described in
    Sections B.2.1.2 and B.2.2.2. Two additional means exist to isolate a
    collection zone, detector positioning and shadow shielding.
    3.1 Detector Positioning
    An unobstructed side view of a collection zone is preferred. When
    plutonium is located behind the zone under assay in another collection
    zone or a storage facility, an additional background assay may be
    performed with the detector above or below the collection zone and
    pointing at the material behind the zone under assay. It is important
    to prevent, or account for, moving objects within the field of view. If
    this is not done, variations in shielding and scattering can affect the
    3.2 Shadow Shielding
    It may not be possible to avoid interfering radiations by
    collimator design or by choosing the detector position for assay. In
    such cases, it may be possible to move a shield panel between the source
    of interfering radiations and the collimator zone under assay. If the
    shield panel is very thick and its dimensions match or exceed the back
    side of the collection zone under assay, no interfering radiations will
    penetrate through the shadow shield to the detector. While such
    characteristics are desirable, the size of such a shield would limit its
    transportability. A rectangular panel mounted on wheels as an upright
    panel and containing ~5 cm of neutron moderator (e.g., benelex, WEP, or
    polyethylene) and ~0.5 cm of lead sheet is recommended. To use such a
    panel, it is necessary to measure the response of the collection zone
    with and without the shield in place. Also, the gamma and neutron
    transmission factors of the shield itself must be measured beforehand
    with a representative plutonium sample. From these measurements, the
    assay of the collection zone can be corrected for background radiation
    transmitted through the shield.
    4.1 Basic Counting Geometries
    There are three fundamental counting geometries that can be used
    to represent most collection zones. These geometries are distinguished
    by the spatial distribution of the source material and the resulting
    dependence of the detector counting rate on the source-to-detector
    distance, r.
    4.1.1Point Source
    If the material being assayed is distributed over an area with
    dimensions that are small compared with the source-to-detector distance
    and if the material resides entirely within the detector field of view,
    the zone can be treated as a point source. The detector count rate for
    a point source varies inversely as the square of the source-to-detector
    distance (count rate is proportional to 1/r(2)). Any equipment measured
    at great distances or any small pieces of equipment or equipment parts
    fall in this category.(4) 4.1.2Line Source
    If the material being assayed is distributed along a linear path
    so that only a segment of that distribution length is contained in the
    detector field of view, the zone can be treated as a line source. The
    detector count rate for a line source varies inversely as the
    source-to-detector distance (count rate is proportional to 1/r).
    Examples of this type of holdup geometry include isolated sections of
    piping and long, narrow ducts or columns.
    4.1.3Area Source
    If the material being assayed is spread over an area so large that
    it covers the full field of view of the detector for a range of
    source-to-detector distances, the zone can be assayed as an area source.
    As long as the material being viewed is uniformly distributed, the
    detector count rate will be independent of the source-to-detector
    distance. However, for holdup applications, uniform material
    distribution is rare; so the source-to-detector distance can affect the
    instrument response and needs to be specified. Furthermore, when there
    are several measurement locations covering a large area (such as a
    floor), it is important to maintain the same source-to-detector distance
    (even if material distribution is uniform within a given measurement
    area) so that the number of measurement areas needed to cover the entire
    area remains constant. Examples of this type of assay geometry include
    floors, walls, glovebox floors, and large rectangular ducting.
    4.2 Calibration of Detector Response
    4.2.1Mockup of Known Material Distributions
    When a gamma ray assay is used and a collimator setting has been
    selected, the detector responses for the three basic source distribution
    geometries listed above need to be determined. For the point source,
    the response is expressed as (counts per minute)/gram of (239)Pu at a
    specified source-to-detector distance. For the line source, the
    response is expressed as (counts per minute)/(gram of (239)Pu per unit
    length) at a specified source-to-detector distance. For the area
    source, the response is expressed as (counts per minute)/ (gram of
    (239)Pu per unit area) at a specified source-to-detector distance. When
    neutron assay is used, the response for a point source is expressed as
    (counts per minute)/gram of (240)Pu effective at a specified
    source-to-detector distance. Calculation of (240)Pu effective from the
    plutonium isotopic composition is described in the appendix to this
    guide. Analogous expressions can be given for line and area sources
    although neutron assay is usually restricted to dense, isolated items of
    equipment that can be represented as point sources. For both neutron
    and gamma measurements, corrections to the point and line source
    calibrations for different detector distances are made using the 1/r(2)
    or 1/r count-rate dependence, respectively. For further detailed
    discussion of the measurement of detector responses for these basic
    geometries, see Reference 10.
    (4) Caution: small deposits of plutonium could exhibit very large
    gamma ray self-attenuation and could therefore require great care in
    analysis or could require neutron assay.
    For gamma ray assay, the calibration of the point source response
    can be accomplished with a well-characterized encapsulated standard
    plutonium foil smaller in size than the detector collimator opening.
    This foil can also serve as the check source for verification of the
    continued stability of the instrument settings in the field. It is
    important that care be taken in the preparation of this calibration
    standard to ensure that the amount of encapsulated (239)Pu is well
    known. It is also important to measure the gamma ray attenuation
    through the encapsulating material and the self-attenuation of the
    plutonium foil and to correct the calibration standard response to
    compensate for these effects. Enough (239)Pu needs to be encapsulated
    in this standard to provide count rates that will ensure good
    statistical precision of the calibration in a reasonable period of time.
    For neutron assay, it is probably necessary to encapsulate a
    larger amount of material in the calibration standard because the
    spontaneous neutron production rate is significantly less than the 375-
    to 450-keV gamma ray production rate. A quantity of 50 to 100 grams of
    plutonium is adequate for most applications. Again, it is important to
    know the exact quantity and isotopic composition of the plutonium. Also,
    the neutron calibration standard may generate more neutrons than
    directly attributable to the spontaneous fission and (alpha,n)
    reactions. Because a relatively large quantity of PuO(2) is
    encapsulated in the neutron assay calibration standard, some spontaneous
    fission or (alpha,n) neutrons may be absorbed in (239)Pu or (241)Pu
    nuclei, producing additional neutrons through the induced fission
    reaction. The amount of multiplication depends in a complex manner on
    the amount and distribution of PuO(2) and on the surrounding medium
    (Ref. 11). For 50 grams distributed in the bottom of a 4-inch-diameter
    (10 cm) can, a self-multiplication of 0.5 percent of the total neutron
    output would be typical. At 100 grams, 1 to 2 percent may be expected.
    Thus, this effect is typically smaller than other errors associated with
    holdup measurements and can be neglected if the standard contains 100
    grams or less of well-distributed material. The chemical and isotopic
    composition of the plutonium will have a larger effect, as described in
    the appendix to this guide.
    The measurement of the line source response is best accomplished
    by constructing a cylindrical surface distribution of plutonium with the
    aid of large foils. It is also possible to establish the line source
    response using a point source, as described in Reference 4. The line
    source geometry is closest to that of the pipes and ducts likely to be
    encountered in actual measurements.
    The area source response can be measured with the same plutonium
    foils laid flat to simulate the expected distribution on surfaces such
    as walls and floors. The area response can also be established using a
    point source. The point source is measured at different radial
    distances from the center of the field of view of the collimated
    detector. The response at each radial distance is weighted by the area
    of a concentric ring at that radius. From these weighted responses, it
    is then possible to calculate the area of a circular region of uniform
    plutonium deposition that would yield the same total response as the
    point source. From this equivalent area, the expected response/(gram of
    (239)Pu per unit area) can be derived. Further useful details on this
    procedure may be found in Reference 12. For both line and area
    calibrations, the self-attenuation of the foils or point sources also
    needs to be taken into account.
    There may be special material distribution geometries in the
    facility that are not readily represented by one of the three basic
    configurations described above. These special geometries may be mocked
    up as carefully as possible with large plutonium foils and point sources
    to produce a usable detector response calibration for these special
    cases. Examples of special cases might be concave or convex equipment
    surfaces or the internal volume of a rectangular cavity (see Ref. 10).
    Because material particle sizes (or material deposit thicknesses) have a
    significant effect on the self-attenuation of the gamma ray signals, it
    is important to use (whenever practical) well-characterized process
    material for preparing calibration standards and to duplicate to the
    extent possible process holdup distribution relative to particle size or
    thickness. Furthermore, holdup in floors is often deposited at various
    depths into the floor, rather than on the surface. Thus, calibration
    standards for such measurements need to incorporate the appropriate
    geometry and matrix effects. Core samples of a floor may be needed to
    establish typical concentrations at various floor depths.
    Calibration of the holdup measurement system using this procedure
    is recommended until a history of comparisons between predicted and
    recovered holdup quantities is developed. If it is possible to take
    holdup measurements before and after the cleanout of a piece of
    shut-down process equipment, they can be used to establish this
    comparison history and improve the accuracy of the calibration for each
    collection zone.
    4.2.2Measurement of Calibration Sources in Actual Process
    One method for calibrating detector response to holdup radiation
    in process equipment is to place a known calibration source in various
    positions in that equipment and record the detector responses. In this
    way, the overall detector response (including all corrections for
    attenuation and geometry) is determined empirically. Unfortunately,
    this procedure is impractical, if not impossible, in process equipment
    already in operation. However, if those responsible for holdup assays
    are made aware of occasions when new equipment is brought into the plant
    for installation in the process, calibration sources can be conveniently
    placed in the equipment before its installation and the empirical
    measurements of the detector responses can be made. This procedure
    would be a valuable supplement to calibration data obtained from mockups
    of standard counting geometries and comparisons with cleanout recovery
    The measurement of holdup in a complex plant environment can
    involve a very large number of measurements. In a stable plant
    environment where the process behavior is well known and well
    characterized, it may be possible to arrange the holdup measurement
    program so that:
    a. Careful and extensive holdup measurements are made
    infrequently (e.g., annually) and
    b. At more frequent intervals (e.g., at inventory times),
    careful measurements are made in known problem areas, and
    "spot check" measurements are made in the other, less used,
    zones where accumulations are known to be low.
    Such management of measurement resources can result in a very effective
    holdup measurement program at minimum cost.
    5.1 Holdup Measurements
    In performing the holdup measurements, one must be aware of the
    large variability in holdup assays arising primarily from variability in
    the measurement conditions (e.g., background, geometry, gamma ray or
    neutron attenuation, material distribution). Accordingly, it is
    important to perform the assays from as many vantage points as possible
    for each collection zone. If this is impractical on a routine basis
    because of time or space constraints, one might consider multiple
    measurements initially on a collection zone, followed by fewer routine
    measurements at representative assay sites. Careful thought in the
    selection of measurement points and measurement strategy will minimize
    ambiguities in the interpretation of the data.
    5.1.1Selection of Collection Zones and Detector Positions
    Location and configuration of collection zones are established on
    the basis of a detailed physical examination and a radiation survey of
    the physical layout of the facility. Preliminary measurements are needed
    to determine the optimum detector positions for the holdup assays. If
    nonuniform distribution of material in a collection zone is suspected or
    if the process apparatus is sufficiently complicated to require
    extensive attenuation corrections for certain counting geometries,
    multiple measurements are advisable for the collection zone. More than
    one detector position may be necessary. In the cases where radiation
    surveys have pointed out zones of high holdup collection, extra care
    will be necessary in the holdup measurements for those zones to minimize
    their contribution to the overall holdup variability. Where radiation
    surveys show little holdup, proportionately less time need be budgeted.
    Selecting optimum detector positions includes consideration of the need
    to conveniently measure the line-of-sight background by moving the
    detector to one side without changing its orientation.
    5.1.2Holdup Measurement Procedure
    The measurement and analysis of gamma or neutron radiation from a
    collection zone may be carried out by treating the material distribution
    as a point, line, or area source, as described in Section B.4.1, or as
    one of the special cases that may have been measured, as mentioned in
    Section B.4.2. If the nature of the material distribution is uncertain
    for a particular detector position, a measurement of the detector
    counting-rate dependence on the source-to-detector distance, r, may
    reveal the most appropriate counting-rate geometry with which to
    interpret the data.
    After the assay positions for the detector and shadow shields are
    established for each collection zone, permanent markings that indicate
    detector location (including height) and orientation will ensure
    reproducibility of subsequent measurements for these positions.
    Uniquely labeling each assay site will facilitate unambiguous reference
    to each measurement and its location in the assay log. Furthermore,
    assay site labels and markings can indicate whether neutron or gamma ray
    measurements are to be made. Alphabetic labels (for example, "G" for
    gamma and "N" for neutron) and color-coded tape markings of the sites
    would be useful. Protecting the markings (for example, with clear epoxy)
    will ensure their long-term durability.
    After measuring the gamma or neutron radiation intensity at each
    detector position in a given collection zone, the line-of-sight
    background is measured by moving the detector and collimator to one side
    (still pointing in the same direction as during the assay) and measuring
    the radiation intensity from the surrounding materials. During the
    background measurement, the vessel in which the holdup is being measured
    must not be in the field of view of the detector. Because uncertainties
    in geometry, attenuation, or sample matrix will usually dominate the
    total response variability, the counting period need not be long. Having
    1000 to 10,000 net counts is generally sufficient for most holdup
    This procedure is repeated at all measurement positions and in all
    counting geometries designated for each collection zone. The final
    holdup value for the zone is obtained from the average of the individual
    measurements (each one being corrected for the effects of attenuation
    and any variation in geometry relative to the calibration measurement).
    Whenever possible, the collection zone is assayed in a variety of
    ways. For example, one could measure an apparatus up close and treat it
    as an area source; the measurement could then be repeated at a large
    distance, treating the zone as a point source. It may be better to
    measure some zones from several different directions-especially if
    complicated attenuation corrections are called for in some of the
    counting geometries. Several independent measurements of one zone can
    provide an average holdup value that is better than the individual
    measurements. Further, the variability between these measurements can
    provide an indication of the measurement uncertainty.
    5.1.3Gamma Ray Attenuation Corrections
    To obtain useful assay results by detecting 375- to 450-keV gamma
    rays, it is necessary to correct each assay for attenuation of the
    signal, either within the plutonium holdup material or by structural
    materials. Without this critical correction, the assay is no more than
    a lower limit on the true holdup value. The attenuation correction may
    be based on calculations of known attenuation in uniform materials, on
    earlier measurements of materials similar to those found in the plant
    equipment, or on direct measurements of gamma ray transmission through
    the actual equipment. Details on establishing an appropriate
    attenuation correction are given in Laboratory Exercise No. 4 of
    Reference 4. Additional treatment of gamma ray attenuation corrections
    is given in Reference 13.
    5.1.4Gamma Ray Interferences
    Variability in the observed gamma ray response may arise as a
    result of the presence of extraneous gamma ray emitters or as a result
    of fluctuations in the background from the Compton scattering of higher
    energy gamma rays. The magnitude of this effect is generally small. It
    can be monitored by observing the spectrum with a multichannel analyzer,
    but, unless data on periodically recovered holdup accumulations are in
    error, this contribution can be ignored.
    5.1.5Matrix Effects on Neutron Assay
    A change in the neutron yield for a plutonium sample of fixed
    isotopic content can be caused by a change in the concentration of
    high-(alpha,n)-yield impurities in the matrix. If it is possible to
    estimate the range of permissible impurity concentrations, the variation
    in a typical neutron yield can be calculated using the method given in
    the appendix to this guide.
    5.1.6Effect of Isotopic Uncertainty
    Gamma ray measurements of plutonium holdup provide a direct
    determination of the fissile plutonium (i.e., (239)Pu and (241)Pu)
    holdup in the zone under consideration. On the other hand, neutron
    techniques measure only the (240)Pu effective content, and chemical
    techniques provide elemental analysis without consideration of the
    isotopic makeup. Thus, knowledge of the isotopic composition of the
    plutonium is necessary to correlate holdup measurements with chemistry
    and accountability values. Gamma ray assays must be divided by the
    (239)Pu isotopic fraction, and neutron assays must be converted from
    (240)Pu effective to total plutonium in order to express holdup in terms
    of total plutonium.
    If the process equipment is thoroughly cleaned each time the
    isotopic composition is changed, the holdup may consist primarily of the
    current material. In that case, the declared isotopic composition can
    be used. When mixing occurs, use of the stream-averaged isotopic
    composition is appropriate. Bounds on the isotopic composition are
    estimated by considering the batches of highest and lowest composition
    and computing the corresponding range. This measure of variability must
    then be incorporated into the estimated holdup standard deviation before
    making direct comparisons with the chemical analyses. The variability
    in isotopic composition can be expressed as an estimated standard
    deviation defined as one-half the observed range and then combined in
    quadrature with the standard deviation given by Equation 1 in Section
    B.5.2. In general, gamma ray measurements of (239)Pu will be less
    sensitive to isotopic variations than neutron measurement of (240)Pu.
    5.2 Assignment of Standard Error
    The assignment of a standard error to a holdup measurement is
    extremely difficult on a rigid statistical basis. This is because the
    only statistically predictable fluctuations (e.g., counting statistics)
    in this application are frequently negligible in comparison with
    variability due to counting geometry (including material distribution),
    gamma ray attenuation, gamma ray background and interferences, neutron
    matrix effects, and instrument instabilities. It is important to
    recognize that the variability can be large and guard against
    underestimating the standard deviation of the overall holdup value in a
    collection zone. Careful measurements must be carried out during the
    calibration procedure to determine the range of detector responses
    resulting from variations in measurement parameters. A useful
    discussion of these ideas is presented in Reference 10.
    A reasonable estimate of the standard deviation of the measured
    holdup for a given collection zone may be obtained by consideration of
    the range of holdup values obtained from the variety of measurements
    performed on that collection zone, as suggested in the previous section.
    The mean value for the holdup is defined as the average of the various
    (corrected) measurement results on the collection zone. The standard
    deviation, sigma, for that mean value is estimated as one-half the range
    of holdup values obtained in the measurements. This estimate is
    conservative if a large number of measurements have been made. For a
    small number of measurements, the actual standard deviation can be
    larger than one-half the range. In such cases the actual standard
    deviation of the holdup values must be calculated.
    In some cases, it may be unavoidable that the counting statistics
    are so poor that they contribute significantly to the measurement
    variability. In such an instance, the overall holdup standard
    deviation, sigma(h-u), is defined as the square root of the sum of the
    squares of the standard deviation due to counting, sigma(stat), and the
    standard deviation due to measurement fluctuations, sigma(meas); that
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)5.3 Estimation of Bias
    When a single collection zone is cleared out, it is desirable to
    perform a holdup assay before, H(before), and after, H(after), the
    cleanout if possible. By comparing the amount of plutonium removed,
    Pu(r), to the recovery amount predicted through the in situ holdup
    assays, Pu(a), the collection zone calibration can be updated, and the
    calibration and assay standard deviations can be based on relevant data.
    The amount of plutonium recovered, Pu(r), during the cleanout of a
    specific collection zone can be assayed through sampling and chemical
    analysis, through calorimetry, or through other applicable
    nondestructive assay methods (e.g., spontaneous fission coincidence
    detection or gamma ray assay).
    The assay value for the recovered amount is computed as the
    difference in the holdup assays before and after the cleanout:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.) The percent difference, Delta, between the assay and recovery
    values for the plutonium holdup is then computed:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.) A running tabulation of the quantities Pu(a), Pu(r), and Delta (as
    well as their standard deviations, sigma(a), sigma(r), and sigma(Delta)
    is kept in the assay log for each collection zone.
    The average value, Overline Delta, of the percent differences
    between Pu(a) and Pu(r) will serve as an estimate of the bias in the
    holdup assay for that collection zone and will also provide quantitative
    justification for revision of the assay calibration for that zone to
    remove the bias. The root-mean-square deviations, sigma(Delta), of the
    percent differences, sigma(i), from their mean value, Delta, serve as a
    check on the appropriateness of the size of the estimated standard
    deviation of the holdup measurements. To the extent that the standard
    deviation of Pu(r( is small compared with the uncertainty in Pu(a)
    (usually an adequate assumption), the quantity s (Delta) should be
    comparable in size to the standard deviation of Pu(a). For K
    measurements of the percent differences, Delta(i), for a given
    collection zone, the quantity s(Delta) is given by:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)Equation 4 assumes that all the sigma(Delta)'s are equal. For a
    calculation of s(Delta) using weighted sums, see Reference 14.
    Note that, if the holdup measurements (i.e., H(before) or
    H(after)) contain a constant bias, their difference can still provide
    useful information in the comparison with Pu(r). However, a small
    difference between Pu(a) and Pu(r) does not necessarily mean that the
    bias associated with H is small. This ambiguity is reduced in importance
    if the cleanout is such that H(after) is much smaller than H(before).
    In addition, the use of several holdup measurements from varying vantage
    points, as suggested earlier, will help to minimize the bias associated
    with incorrect geometrical or attenuation corrections in one measurement
    To develop a program for the periodic in situ assay of plutonium
    residual holdup as a method acceptable to the NRC staff for measuring
    this inventory component, it is necessary to consider the factors in the
    following sections.
    Care must be exercised during the fabrication and use of check
    sources and calibration standards to ensure their continued integrity
    and to prevent contamination. In addition, the usual precautions for
    safeguarding plutonium should be taken.
    Preliminary radiation survey measurements of the plutonium
    processing facility should be used to budget the measurement time to
    emphasize high-holdup areas, to establish independent collection zones,
    and to determine detector positions within the zones.
1. At each collection zone, detector positions (assay sites)
    should be chosen so that the material holdup can be measured from
    several vantage points around the zone. At each assay site, the
    detector should have an exclusive view of the collection zone being
    assayed. If necessary, shadow shielding should be used to isolate the
    region being assayed from other collection zones. Detector positions
    should be chosen to minimize the measurement ambiguities, as described
    in Section B.5.1.1.
2. Each assay site should be permanently marked with paint or
    colored tape on the floor to ensure reproducible assay positions. The
    markings should be protected (for example, with clear epoxy) to ensure
    their long-term durability. Detector height and orientation should be
    clearly indicated in the assay log for each measurement site and, if
    possible, included in the site markings.
3. Each assay site should be uniquely labeled to facilitate
    unambiguous reference to that site in the assay log. A labeling and
    color-coding convention should be established to distinguish neutron
    assay sites from gamma ray assay sites.
4. Gamma ray assay should be used for collection zones
    containing less plutonium than the neutron detection limit. Also, gamma
    ray assay should be used for all structures that do not contain
    irregularly shaped components capable of significantly attenuating the
    emerging gamma rays. Neutron assay should be used for all structures
    not suitable for gamma ray assay. There may be some large structures
    such as furnaces that can be measured only with small interior probes or
    with thermoluminescent dosimeters.
5. Areas may be denoted as problem areas so that careful holdup
    measurements will be made in these areas each time plant holdup is to be
    determined; or the area may be labeled as a spot-check zone, where
    accumulations are known to be low and careful holdup assays are needed
    less frequently.
    Neutron and gamma ray assay capability can be provided, if
    desired, using separate or compatible electronics with interchangeable
    detector probes. Compatible electronics can provide for both (3)He or
    BF(3) neutron detection and NaI(Tl) gamma ray detection. The
    electronics unit should have a temperature coefficient of less than 0.1
    percent per degree centigrade. Battery-powered electronics can expedite
    2.1 Gamma Ray Assay
    Gamma ray assay should be based on the activity observed in the
    energy range from 375 to 450 keV, excluding the composite gamma ray
    complex centered at 333 keV. Yield data for appropriate gamma rays are
    presented in Section B.2.1 of this guide.
    2.1.1Detector Selection
    Gamma ray detectors for holdup measurements should have FWHM (full
    width at half maximum) resolution better than 10 percent at 662 keV
    ((137)Cs gamma ray). NaI(Tl) detectors can exhibit resolutions as good
    as 7 percent and are suitable for this application. The crystal depth
    should be sufficient to detect a significant percentage of 400-keV gamma
    rays. For NaI(Tl), the minimum depth should be 1 inch (2.5 cm); a
    2-inch (5-cm) depth is recommended.
    The crystal should be stabilized with a suitable radioactive
    source. An internal seed containing (241)Am is recommended for this
    application. The electronics should be capable of stabilizing on the
    reference radiation emitted by the seed. The crystal face (external to
    the cover) should be covered with 0.75 mm of cadmium and 1.5 mm of lead
    to filter low-energy radiations.
    Two single-channel analyzers should be provided with lock-set
    energy windows. One channel should be set to admit gamma rays from 375
    to 450 keV. Unless equilibrium of the (237)U and (241)Pu can be
    ensured, the 333-keV region of the gamma ray spectrum should be
    completely excluded. The second channel should be set above the first
    window to provide a background subtraction for the assay window. This
    second window should be set from approximately 475 to 575 keV. The
    width and position of this window is a matter of personal preference in
    how the background subtraction should be done. These analyzers should
    be packaged as one integral unit.
    2.1.2Gamma Ray Collimator
    A cylinder of shielding material such as lead should be made
    concentric with the gamma ray detector. The end of the cylinder
    opposite the crystal should be blocked with the shielding material. The
    thickness of the collimator should be chosen to provide sufficient
    directionality for the specific facility (1.5 cm of lead thickness
    should be sufficient for most applications). The collimator sleeve
    should be fixed over the end of the detector crystal at a reproducible
    setting identical to that used in the calibration measurements.
    2.1.3Gamma Ray Calibration and Check Sources
    Standard sources of (239)Pu should be provided for calibration of
    the measurement system for the basic measurement geometries described in
    Section B.4. A small encapsulated plutonium sample can be used both as
    a calibration standard for the point source counting geometry and as a
    check source for verification of instrument stability. For the line and
    area calibrations, large plutonium foils can be used, or the
    calibrations can be derived from a series of measurements made with the
    point source. The gamma ray self-attenuation correction should be
    clearly specified for all foils and samples.
    2.2 Neutron Assay
    2.2.1Neutron Detector Selection
    Neutron detectors should have high detection efficiency and be
    capable of operating in the presence of gamma radiation. BF(3) and
    (3)He neutron detectors are recommended for this application. Neutron
    detectors should be surrounded by a layer of neutron moderator material
    to enhance their detection efficiency. The neutron moderator layer
    should be covered with a low-energy neutron absorber to filter out
    extraneous neutrons from the desired signal.
    2.2.2Neutron Collimator
    A slab collimator or concentric cylinder collimator of
    polyethylene should completely surround the detector, leaving open only
    a detection channel in one direction. The moderator thickness should be
    selected to provide the directionality required for each facility. A
    directionality profile providing a 10:1 response ratio is desirable.
    However, for portable detectors a 3:1 ratio may be used.
    2.2.3Neutron Calibration and Check Source
    A 50- to 100-gram sample of plutonium should be adequate both as a
    point source calibration standard and as a check source. The isotopic
    composition, (241)Am content, and high-(alpha, n)-yield impurity
    composition should be representative of the plutonium being processed.
    The neutron yield of the standard should be independently measured, if
    possible, and also computed using the method described in the appendix
    of this guide. If the measured and calculated yields differ by more
    than 20 percent, any future yield calculations should be normalized to
    be consistent with this measurement.
    2.3 Service Cart
    A cart carrying electronics and both detector probes should be
    provided. The capability to raise or lower the probes to reproducible
    settings should be included.
    3.1 Instrument Check
    The stability of the neutron and gamma ray detection systems
    should be tested prior to each inventory by comparing the observed
    counts obtained from the check source, minus the counts with the shaped
    shield in place but without the check source, to the readings obtained
    prior to previous inventories. If the measurement is consistent with
    previous data (i.e., is within plus or minus 2 single-measurement
    standard deviations of the mean value of previous data), all previously
    established calibrations using this detection system should be
    considered valid. If the measurement is not consistent, the operation
    of the unit should be checked against the manufacturer's recommendations
    and repaired or recalibrated, as required. These check source
    measurements should be supplemented with regular remeasurements of
    instrument calibrations to ensure continued proper instrument
    performance over the entire operating range.
    3.2 System Response Calibration
    The response of the detection system should be determined with
    well-known quantities of plutonium in the basic measurement geometries
    described in Section B.4. If there are special counting geometries in
    the facility that are not readily represented by one of the basic
    configurations, these geometries should also be mocked up and measured
    during the calibration procedure.
    4.1 Assay Log
    An assay log should be maintained. Each collection zone should
    have a separate section in the assay log, with the corresponding
    calibration derived on the page facing the assay data sheet. Recording
    space should be provided for the date of measurement, gross counts,
    corrected counts, and the corresponding grams of plutonium from the
    calibration in addition to position and instrument electronic setting
    verification. There should also be provision for recording data from
    recovery operations and holdup assay comparisons, as described in
    Section B.5.3.
    4.2 Preassay Procedures
    Prior to inventory, the isotopic composition of the plutonium
    processed during the current operational period should be determined.
    Variations in the neutron and gamma ray yield data from the calibration
    standard should be calculated. Either the calibration data or the
    predicted holdup should then be corrected to reflect this difference.
    Prior to each inventory, the operation of the neutron and gamma
    ray assay detection systems should be checked, as described in
    Regulatory Position 3.1.
    Prior to any assay measurements, feed into the process line should
    be stopped. All in-process material should be processed through to
    forms amenable to accurate accountability. All process, scrap, and waste
    items containing plutonium should be removed to approved storage areas
    to minimize background radiations.
    4.3 Measurements
    Before beginning the holdup measurements, it is advisable to
    conduct a preliminary gamma survey of the collection zones to point up
    the zones where holdup accumulations are the highest (and therefore
    where the most careful measurements should be made). In zones where
    accumulations are shown to be very low by the survey, spot-check
    measurements may be adequate, as pointed out earlier.
    Before assaying each collection zone, the operator should verify
    the floor location, probe height, and probe orientation. The electronic
    settings should be verified every 1 or 2 hours with the check source.
    During the actual assay of the collection zones, the check source should
    be removed or shielded so as not to interfere with the measurement.
    Prior to taking a measurement, a visual check of the zone and the line
    of sight of the detector probe should be made to ensure that no obvious
    changes have been made to the process area and that no unintended
    accumulations of plutonium remain within the collection zone. The
    operator should initial the measurement log to ensure compliance for
    each collection zone.
    When the preceding steps have been completed, the measurement at
    each collection zone should be taken, recorded, and converted to grams
    of plutonium. If each value is within an expected or permissible range,
    the assayist can proceed to the next collection zone. However, if the
    collection zone contains an unexpectedly large amount of plutonium, it
    should be cleaned to remove the accumulation for conversion to a more
    accurately accountable material category. After the cleanout has been
    completed, the zone should be reassayed.
    During the initial implementation of the holdup measurement
    program, the holdup uncertainty for each collection zone should be
    estimated from the range of values obtained in the various measurements
    on that zone, as described in Section B.5.2. As a history of
    comparisons between holdup measurements and cleanout recovery data
    becomes available, these data should be used to adjust for bias and to
    revise the magnitudes of the holdup uncertainties, as described in
    Section B.5.3.
    During each physical inventory, the calibration in at least 10
    percent of the collection zones should be updated on the basis of the
    comparison between holdup and cleanout recovery measurements. In any
    case, all calibrations should be updated at least once per year.
1. R. Gunnink et al., "A Re-evaluation of the Gamma-Ray Energies and
    Absolute Branching Intensities of U-237, Pu-238, -239, -240, -241,
    and Am-241," Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, UCRL-52139, 1976.
2. J. E. Cline, R. J. Gehrke, and L. D. McIsaac, "Gamma Rays Emitted
    by the Fissionable Nuclides and Associated Isotopes," Aerojet
    Nuclear Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho, ANCR-1069, July 1972.
3. L. A. Kull, "Catalogue of Nuclear Material Safeguards
    Instruments," Battelle National Laboratories, BNL-17165, August
4. R. H. Augustson and T. D. Reilly, "Fundamentals of Passive
    Nondestructive Assay of Fissionable Material," Los Alamos
    Scientific Laboratory, LA-5651-M, 1974; also T. D. Reilly et al.,
    "Fundamentals of Passive Nondestructive Assay of Fissionable
    Material: Laboratory Workbook," Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory,
    LA-5651-M, Suppl., 1975.
5. R. B. Walton et al., "Measurements of UF(6) Cylinders with
    Portable Instruments," Nuclear Technology, Vol. 21, p. 133, 1974.
6. C. H. Kindle, "In Situ Measurement of Residual Plutonium," Nuclear
    Materials Management, Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 540, 1976.
7. J. W. Tape, D. A. Close, and R. B. Walton, "Total Room Holdup of
    Plutonium Measured with a Large-Area Neutron Detector," Nuclear
    Materials Management, Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 533, 1976.
8. H. E. Preston and W. J. Symons, "The Determination of Residual
    Plutonium Masses in Gloveboxes by Remote Measurements Using Solid
    Thermoluminescent Dosimeters," United Kingdom Atomic Energy
    Authority, Winfrith, England, AEEW-R1359, 1980.
9. A. Ohno and S. Matsuura, "Measurement of the Gamma Dose Rate
    Distribution in a Spent Fuel Assembly with a Thermoluminescent
    Detector," Nuclear Technology, Vol. 47, p. 485, 1980.
10. W. D. Reed, Jr., J. P. Andrews, and H. C. Keller, "A Method for
    Surveying for (235)U with Limit of Error Analysis," Nuclear
    Materials Management, Vol. 2, p. 395, 1973.
    11. N. Ensslin, J. Stewart, and J. Sapir, "Self-Multiplication
    Correction Factors for Neutron Coincidence Counting," Nuclear
    Materials Management, Vol. VIII, No. 2, p. 60, 1979.
    12. M. S. Zucker et al., "Holdup Measurements for Nuclear Fuel
    Manufacturing Plants," Nuclear Materials Management, Vol. X, p.
    239, 1981.
    13. J. L. Parker and T. D. Reilly, "Bulk Sample Self-Attenuation
    Correction by Transmission Measurement," Proceedings of the ERDA
    X- and Gamma-Ray Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michigan (Conf. 760639), p.
    219, May 1976.
    14. P. R. Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the
    Physical Sciences, McGraw-Hill, 1969.
    The following model for the calculation of the total spontaneous
    neutron yield from plutonium-bearing materials assumes that the
    plutonium is widely dispersed. With this condition, there will be no
    significant neutron production through induced fission of (239)Pu or
    (241)Pu. The total neutron yield of plutonium holdup will then be the
    sum of the spontaneous fission and (alpha,n) contributions:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)1. SPONTANEOUS FISSION NEUTRONS
    To determine the spontaneous neutron yield of plutonium, the
    isotopic composition must be known. (The contribution from (238)U
    spontaneous fission is usually negligible even if uranium is present in
    large quantities.) The yield from the plutonium isotopes is given by:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)where M(i) is the total mass of the ith plutonium isotope, and Q(i) is
    the spontaneous fission neutron yield per gram of the ith isotope.
    Using the yield data from Table A-1, Equation 2 can be rewritten as:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.) The coefficients 2.50 and 1.70 are the spontaneous fission yields
    of (238)Pu and (242)Pu relative to (240)Pu. The concept of effective
    (240)Pu mass reflects the fact that most of the spontaneous fission
    yield is due to that isotope.
2. (alpha,n) NEUTRONS
    When the plutonium holdup is in the form of oxide, the major
    contribution from (alpha,n) reactions will be due to the 0-18(alpha,n)
    (21)Ne reaction. The additional neutron yield is typically 50 to 100
    percent of the spontaneous fission yield. The (alpha,n) yield can be
    calculated from the yields per gram of each isotope of Pu(Y(i)) given in
    Table A-1:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)The summation over M(i) should also include (241)Am, which is a strong
    alpha emitter.
    In addition to (alpha,n) production in the oxide itself, certain
    low-Z impurities in the oxide can contribute substantially. Values for
    the yields of neutrons obtained in bombarding thick targets of these
    elements with 5.2-MeV alpha particles are given in Table A-2. Further
    research may change these values somewhat, but they are sufficient for
    computing the approximate effect of these elements if they exist as
    impurities in PuO(2). One method for doing this is to compute the
    impurity (alpha,n) yield relative to the oxide (alpha,n) yield:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)(Due to database constraints, Tables A-1-A-4 are not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.) In Equation 6, P(j) is the (alpha,n) neutron yield in the impurity
    element, and P(o) is the yield in oxygen (0.050 neutrons/10(6) alphas);
    A(j) is the atomic weight of the impurity element, and A(o) that for
    oxygen (16); I(j) is the concentration of the impurity expressed in
    parts per million (by weight) of plutonium oxide, and I(o) is oxide
    (118,000 ppm). If the impurity concentration is expressed as ppm of
    plutonium, it can be converted to ppm of plutonium oxide by multiplying
    by the gravimetric dilution factor, 0.882.
    To summarize the calculation of (alpha,n) neutron yields in oxide
    that also contains impurities, Y(alpha,n) from all sources is given by:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)Elements other than those listed in Table A-2 yield no neutrons by
    (alpha,n) reactions for the alpha energies obtained from plutonium and
    americium decay. Also note that the summation over i must include
    (241)Am and that the summation over j includes only the oxygen that is
    not bound up as plutonium oxide.
3. SAMPLE CALCULATION FOR PuO(2)-UO(2) Consider the case of 1 gram of recycle plutonium blended to 3
    percent by weight of PuO(2) in a UO(2) matrix where the isotopic
    composition is as given in Table A-3. For mixed oxides, the oxygen
    density is approximately the same as in PuO(2) alone. Also, plutonium
    and uranium have similar atomic numbers. For these reasons, it may be
    assumed that the oxygen (alpha,n) yield in mixed oxide is the yield in
    PuO(2), further reduced by the blending ratio, PuO(2)/(PuO(2) + UO(2)).
    Using the isotopic composition given in Table A-3 and using
    Equation 3, the spontaneous fission neutron yield can be found to be 218
    n/sec for 1 gram of plutonium. Then the neutron production in the oxide
    can be calculated using the masses M(i) of each isotope and the yields
    Y(i) from the fifth column of Table A-1. The result of 112 n/sec is
    given in the last column of Table A-3. Note that the alpha particle
    yield of plutonium is nearly constant in time, but that, because (241)Am
    builds up in time, the total alpha production increases at a rate of
    roughly 0.3 percent per month in typical reactor fuel.
    The impurity (alpha,n) yields are calculated in Table A-4. The
    calculation is based on impurities in PuO(2) only. The mixed oxides are
    assumed to consist of blended PuO(2) and UO(2) particles approximately
    40 @m in diameter where most alpha particles stop within the PuO(2)
    particles. If the particle size were smaller or the mixed oxide were
    created through coprecipitation, the uranium impurity content would also
    contribute to the plutonium (alpha,n) yield. In the present example, it
    is sufficient to use the neutron yields P(j) from Table A-2, the
    concentrations I(j) from Table A-4, and Equation 6 or 7.
    The total neutron yield from 1 gram of plutonium in PuO(2) is then
    218 + 112 + 47 = 377 n/sec. Using the gravimetric dilution factor of
    0.882, this is 333 n/sec for 1 gram of PuO(2). If the PuO(2) is blended
    so that PuO(2)/ (PuO(2) + UO(2)) = 0.03, the neutron yield from 1 gram
    of mixed oxide is 10 n/sec.
    The impurity (alpha,n) yields, P(j), used in this example are
    currently known to about 10 percent accuracy for most elements and 50
    percent accuracy for the others. The oxide (alpha,n) yields, Y(j), are
    known to 10 percent or better. Both yield calculations must assume
    perfect mixing, however. For these reasons, neutron yield calculations
    are accurate to 10 percent at best, and the neutron holdup measurement
    calibration should be based on representative standards rather than
    calculation wherever possible.
    To convert a measured effective (240)Pu mass to actual total
    plutonium, one must use both the relationship between these two
    quantities, as shown in Equation 4, and the known isotopic composition
    of the samples being measured.
    Let f(238), f(239), f(240), f(241), and f(242) represent the weight
    fractions of the respective plutonium isotopes in the unknown sample.
    The (240)Pu effective weight fraction, f(240) (effective), can be
    defined as:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)Generally, as previously mentioned in this guide, the relative
    measurement uncertainty of M(240) (effective) in a holdup measurement
    will be much larger than that of f(240) (effective), so the relative
    error in M(Pu) (total) is essentially equal to that of M(240)
    As an example calculation, the sample of isotopic composition
    given in Table A-3 has an effective fraction given by:
    (Due to database constraints, this equation is not included. Please
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)Thus, a holdup measurement of 35 plus or minus 10 grams (240)Pu
    effective corresponds to 166 plus or minus 47 grams total plutonium,
    where the relative error in the total plutonium result was taken to be
    equal to that of the M(240) (effective) result.
    1.1 Description
    Licensees authorized to possess at any time more than 1 kilogram
    of plutonium are required by Part 70, "Domestic Licensing of Special
    Nuclear Material," of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations to
    calculate a material balance based on a measured physical inventory at
    intervals not to exceed 2 months. Further, these licensees are required
    to conduct their nuclear material physical inventories in compliance
    with specific requirements set forth in Part 70. Inventory procedures
    acceptable to the NRC staff are detailed in Regulatory Guide 5.13,
    "Conduct of Nuclear Material Physical Inventories."
    Plutonium residual holdup is defined as the plutonium inventory
    component remaining in and about process equipment and handling areas
    after those collection areas have been prepared for inventory. This
    regulatory guide describes procedures acceptable to the NRC staff for
    the in situ assay of the residual plutonium holdup.
    1.2 Need for Proposed Action
    Regulatory Guide 5.23 was published in 1974. The proposed action,
    a revision to this guide, is needed to bring the guide up to date with
    respect to advances in measurement methods, as well as changes in
    1.3 Value/Impact of Proposed Action
    1.3.1NRC Operations
    The regulatory positions will be brought up to date.
    1.3.2Other Government Agencies
    Not applicable.
    Since industry is already applying the methods and procedures
    discussed in the guide, updating these methods and procedures should
    have no adverse impact.
    No adverse impact on the public can be foreseen.
    1.4 Decision on Proposed Action
    The regulatory guide should be revised to reflect improvements in
    measurement techniques and to bring the language of the guide into
    conformity with current usage.
    Not applicable.
    Of the procedural alternatives considered, revision of the
    existing regulatory guide was selected as the most advantageous and cost
    4.1 NRC Authority
    The authority for the proposed action is derived from the Atomic
    Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Energy Reorganization Act of
    1974, as amended, and is implemented through the Commission's
    regulations, in particular 10 CFR Part 70.
    4.2 Need for NEPA Assessment
    The proposed action is not a major action that may significantly
    affect the quality of the human environment and does not require an
    environmental impact statement.
    The proposed action is one of a series of revisions of existing
    regulatory guides on nondestructive assay techniques.
    Regulatory Guide 5.23 should be revised.